• +39 035 622 43 51


Get SMS price

Web Service URL: https://ct.emessage.it/webservices/WSPrice.asmx
Method name: GetSmsPrice

Get single and total prices.

- Username (MANDATORY): account username.
- Password (MANDATORY): account password.
- NumSms (MANDATORY): number of SMS.
- Notification (MANDATORY): true means that notification is required.
- Prefix: internationa prefix (esample: +39 or "*" for all).

This web method return a standard Result class:
- Data: JSON of single and total prices (formatted with currency set in settings).
- OptionResults:
  - TotalPrice: total price (unformatted).

Get Fax price

Web Service URL: https://ct.emessage.it/webservices/WSPrice.asmx
Method name: GetfaxPrice

Get single and total prices.

- Username (MANDATORY): account username.
- Password (MANDATORY): account password.
- Numfax (MANDATORY): number of Fax.
- NumSheets (MANDATORY): numbers of sheets per fax.
- Prefix: internationa prefix (esample: +39 or "*" for all).

This web method return a standard Result class:
- Data: JSON of single and total prices (formatted with currency set in settings).
- OptionResults:
  - TotalPrice: total price (unformatted).

Get Letter price

Web Service URL: https://ct.emessage.it/webservices/WSPrice.asmx
Method name: GetletterPrice

Get single and total prices.

- Username (MANDATORY): account username.
- Password (MANDATORY): account password.
- NumLetter(MANDATORY): number of letters.
- NumSheets (MANDATORY): numbers of sheets per letter.
- PrintType (MANDATORY): indicate your printing preferences for shipment (see appendix I).
- StampType (MANDATORY): indicate your Stamp preferences for shipment (see appendix I).

This web method return a standard Result class:
- Data: JSON of single and total prices (formatted with currency set in settings, for AM,CP,EU prices see appendix H).
- OptionResults:
  - TotalPrice: total price (unformatted).