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Settings - How to use eMessage Web Services

All eMessage Web Services expose some web methods to call to obtain information or to send messages. Every web method returns a class inherited from Result.
Result is a class with these mandatory fields:
- Success: a Boolean value indicating a successfully call.
- Data: a string value indicating call’s result.
- Error: a text describing what error happened during call.
- CodeError: a number that indicates the error generated during call.
- OptionalResults: a list of optional results.
If an error occurs during web services calling a SOAP exception is immediately thrown.
Every web methods fields must be passed if mandatory; otherwise, you can pass a null value (or zero value from numerical fields).
Some web method calls may take some time (for example sending hundreds of sms in one call) so configure your clients timeout so they will wait for a reply from eMessage Web Services.

How to manage users

To consume eMessage Web Services you need a eMessage account.
To create an account send a request to info@CT Consulting.cloud; you can also call SignUp web method.
To check how much credit has a eMessage account, you can use GetCredits web method
Finally, to check if an account is valid, you can use CheckUserCanLogin web method.

Get Settings

Web Service URL: http://ct.emessage.it/webservices/WSUsers.asmx
Method name: GetSettings

Web method to get user settings.

- Username (MANDATORY): account username.
- Password (MANDATORY): account password.
- Key (MANDATORY): settings key name. (see appendix L)

- This web method return a standard Result class.
- Data: setting value.

Set Settings

Web Service URL: http://ct.emessage.it/webservices/WSUsers.asmx
Method name: SetSettings

Web method to get user settings.

- Username (MANDATORY): account username.
- Password (MANDATORY): account password.
- Key (MANDATORY): settings key name. (see appendix L)

- This web method return a standard Result class.

Get Credits

Web Service URL: http://ct.emessage.it/webservices/WSUsers.asmx
Method name: GetCredits

Web method to check credit of your account.

- Username (MANDATORY): account username.
- Password (MANDATORY): account password.

This web method return a standard Result class:
- Result: credit formatted with currency set in settings.
- OptionalResult: CreditsWithoutFormat - credit value (unformatted).
Warning: if your account is postpaid, Result is postpaid and OptionalResult is empty.

Check User Can Login

Web Service URL: http://ct.emessage.it/webservices/WSUsers.asmx
Method name: CheckUserCanLogin

Web method to check if user can make login.

- Username (MANDATORY): account username.
- Password (MANDATORY): account password.

This web method return a standard Result class:
- Data: user id.


Web Service URL: http://ct.emessage.it/webservices/WSUsers.asmx
Method name: SignUp

This method allows you to create a eMessage user with its root or group.

- Username (MANDATORY): account username.
- Password (MANDATORY): account password.
- eMail (MANDATORY): user email address.
- FirstName (MANDATORY): user first name.
- LastName (MANDATORY): user last name.
- Company: account company.
- PhoneNumber: user phone number.
- CountryIsoCode (MANDATORY): user country code, ex:”IT” (see appendix E).
- Params: optional parameters array (future use, you must set NULL).

This web method return a standard Result class.